I took a little walk ostensibly (that word fascinates me for some
reason) to compare GPS readings to where Google maps puts my property
lines. I soon got distracted by nature, even saw our local Fox. Always
hoping for new birds but still glad to see the Field Sparrow in the wild
(as opposed to accepting bribes under our feeder).
I found this knobbly bark interesting, don't recall seeing that before.
I found this knobbly bark interesting, don't recall seeing that before.
Wetlands abut our property. When we first came there were beavers but I
heard the neighbors dealt with them in an unneighborly manner. I suspect the old beaver lodge is now an apartment building for birds and who knows who else.
Sparrow foraging in the wetlands. I go years without seeing this one
(only hearing) but this has been a good year. A bit grainy, shot at some
Red-winged Blackbird in a typical pose.
I first became aware of this one he/she was quite close to me. I'm not
sure he even saw me. Seems to be carrying some hapless snack.
Song Sparrow
I approached the pond a third (and possibly fourth) turtle 'logged
off', leaving this and a smaller one eying me warily. Midland Painted
Turtle I am guessing.
Biggest bullfrog I've seen in a long time.
I had to append these from the following morning, viewed from our deck. Seven!
I like the one that looks so precariously balanced with his legs drawn in.