Extending from the side our our house is a piece of wood.
We call it "The Strut" and hang feeders on it.
This morning I spent some time waiting for the Red-Headed Woodpecker.
He didn't show, but ...

Wardrobe Malfunction (Downy Woodpecker)
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Young Red-bellied Woodpecker
Over the years a lot of birds have put the sunflower seeds in this ever-deepening hole, making it easier for them to get the good stuff out of the shell.
Lastly, the previous morning's shots of the Red-headed. He lingered quite a while but I couldn't open the window for a better shot or he'd have skidaddled. Hence the lesser quality. (The above were all with open window.)
Oops, one more (and not on the strut, although he was in a missed-opportunity just prior). Maybe someone can help ID. We get the Phoebe and Pewee, but this flycatcher looks different somehow. That beard looks unfamiliar.
Later: I think it could be a Phoebe.
PS: Another Strutter, Catbird (and Goldfinch)